Monday, March 31, 2008


The Seal hunt starts this Friday 28.

275.000 seals will be killed for fur.
The only thing the Canadian government did is to make sur that the seals have not their fur removed while still alive (as it have been done until now).

"The Canadian government insists that the seal hunt is an animal production industry like any other. They say that it might not be pretty, but basically it is just like any abattoir except on the ice. But we found obvious levels of suffering which would not be tolerated in any other animal industry in the world."
Ian Robinson, British Veterinarian

-79% of the sealers did not check to see if an animal was dead before skinning it.

-In 40% of the kills a sealer had to strike the seal a second time, presumably because it was still conscious after the first blow or shot.

-42% of killed seals examined were found to have minimal or no fractures, suggesting a high probability that these seals were conscious when skinned.

For more information click here.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals are slaughtered on the ice fields off Canada's east coast for their pelts. Over 95% of the seals killed during this hunt are just days or weeks old. (IFAW)

Spanish article.

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