Saturday, April 5, 2008


the $2.7 million of foie gras imported to the U.S. in 2004, $2.5 came from Canada. And the owners of
Hudson Valley Foie Gras keep saying they're going to move to Canada if they get shut down in the U.S.

- Tearing the heads of live ducks off
- Kicking, throwing and punching ducks
- Leaving ducklings to die of hypothermia and asphyxiation inside trash cans
- Bashing live ducks against walls and floors
- Suffocating and crushing live ducklings
- Force feeding ducks
- Slaughter of fully-conscious ducks

An undercover investigation of Palmex Inc., Elevages Perigord, and Aux Champs D'Elise, Canada's three largest foie gras production facilities.

This next video shows exactly how works inside the Foie-gras facilities in Canada. It's all explained in detail by the undercover worker.

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